Some random stuff:
1. More pictures tomorrow...
2. Will conduct some interviews tomorrow...
3. Scans of some of the marketing material will be posted (from LEGO and LEGO Education)
4. Thanks to Steve Hassenplug's mom - she snagged me a NXT t-shirt. Very cool lady.
5. I took some photos of Bryan Bonahoom's NXT creation, but for some reason they came out fuzzy... only this one came out. Sorry, Bryan. (His creation was done to perform the FLL challenges that the RCX creations are doing in the competition.)
6. Met up with Kristie with Lego Education... got a look at Robolab 2.9... VERY cool. Will see if I can get some screenshots, but no promises.
It's my birthday, so I'm off for dinner and a cake... more tomorrow.
ps. A few more photos below...