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Built On The Rock at World Fest

Alright, I know this is really late - it's taken a while to get back to normal after all the excitement of FLL. Anyway, Built On The Rock had a great time at the World Festival this year! Since this was our first time being there, it was a really exciting experience. As Jim posted about earlier, we won 1st Place Robot Performance and 1st Place Innovative Robot.

As some of you may have seen already, I put up a NXTLog of our robot, which you can see here. Now that the competition's over, you can also see a video of our robot in action on our website, here. The video was taken before our state competition in December. Since then, we made improvements to all the missions, so we'll also be putting up a video of one of our competition rounds at the WF on our Press and Videos section soon.
Below are various pictures of the action at the World Festival:

Dean Kamen speaking at the opening ceremonies... we had front row seats!

Our team pit. The police uniform and lab coat are made from nanofabric - grape juice, water, and other highly-stainable substances simply bead up and roll right off this amazing material! This was the subject of our research project for the competition.

Setting up for one of our rounds, and one of our technical judges posing for the picture. :-)

An interesting picture one of the team parents got right after our robot achieved a third perfect score. :P

Posing with the Mindstorm Troopers after both of our teams got perfect scores in all three rounds... the four fingers we're holding up represents our scores of 400.

And as always, you can find out more about the team at:


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