Hi all,
Rayshun Dorsey from WizKidz Technology Centers, a Georgia non-profit organization, called my attention to what I consider a very interesting way to use our beloved NXT:
"Hello all, and thank you Matthias. Our organization WizKidz Technology Centers www.wizkidztech.org is working on developing the capabilities of blind students to design, build and program robots primarily using the NXT.Dear me, that's great!
We are working with the National Federation of the Blind as well as the Center for Visually Impaired and have been making strides with the program.
I am currently looking for help, ideas or suggestions on writing a NXT programming language using the brick itself. I laterally went through and wrote down every function I can think of from the brick and printed in braille to help the students master the sequence of the brick programming itself. It has been a steady but difficult task. Is there anyone that can offer input, or is there a sequence command list for the brick that includes possible programs?
From the PC we are able to use RobotC in braille, but I want to focus more on programming from the brick itself. Please email me at rdorsey@wizkidztech.org Thank you all for your help."