Following this post will be 13 more posts, in which Jonathan and I will discuss each of the FLL missions for this year. If you have not done so, you should read the Official Website ( first.
Objective: Place the Solar Panel onto the roof of the house by the sea.
Point Worth: 15 points
Mission Location: Northwest (Upperright) corner of the mat
Speculated Difficult Level: 7/10
Time Length Rating: Medium
This mission requires the robot to place a small Solar Panel onto the roof of the house in the northwest corner of the mat. We think that it will take a medium amount of time to complete the mission because of the accuracy required, but the location being somewhat close to Base, it will not take as long. We have also rated the difficulty 7/10 for the precision and the somewhat odd angle the house is placed at.
Good luck, and watch out for future posts,
Jonathan's Comments: One of the unique aspects I've noticed about this challenge is the type of "delivery" that has to be made in it. There have, of course, been missions in past challenges that require the robot to deliver something to a model. But if I remember correctly, most of them allowed for a reasonable amount of inaccuracy (for example, the ATP molecules in last year's NanoQuest theme just had to be dropped into a black frame). In this challenge however, the sonar panel has to be set at the right angle, has to be set down gently, and can easily be knocked off during delivery if the robot doesn't perform well. We'll probably be seeing some very interesting and well-designed solutions to this challenge.
Objective: Place the Solar Panel onto the roof of the house by the sea.
Point Worth: 15 points
Mission Location: Northwest (Upperright) corner of the mat
Speculated Difficult Level: 7/10
Time Length Rating: Medium
This mission requires the robot to place a small Solar Panel onto the roof of the house in the northwest corner of the mat. We think that it will take a medium amount of time to complete the mission because of the accuracy required, but the location being somewhat close to Base, it will not take as long. We have also rated the difficulty 7/10 for the precision and the somewhat odd angle the house is placed at.
Good luck, and watch out for future posts,
Jonathan's Comments: One of the unique aspects I've noticed about this challenge is the type of "delivery" that has to be made in it. There have, of course, been missions in past challenges that require the robot to deliver something to a model. But if I remember correctly, most of them allowed for a reasonable amount of inaccuracy (for example, the ATP molecules in last year's NanoQuest theme just had to be dropped into a black frame). In this challenge however, the sonar panel has to be set at the right angle, has to be set down gently, and can easily be knocked off during delivery if the robot doesn't perform well. We'll probably be seeing some very interesting and well-designed solutions to this challenge.