Looks like Bot'oberfest in Atlanta isn't the only NXT gathering in the Fall... Gary in Hawaii sent me the following:
The Second Annual RoboFest Hawaii robotics competition and engineering fair will be held on Saturday, November 17 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the University of Hawaii at Hilo Gym. RoboFest Hawaii is a high-technology and engineering fair thinly disguised as a robotics festival, with competition events for Lego Mindstorms and open robotics platforms. Amid the excitement of the robotics displays and competition will be hands-on, minds-on exhibits from high school engineering academies, community colleges and universities, and high-tech industry. Visit the robotics discovery stations that invite you to build your own robot or underwater ROV. Learn about robotics programs in the schools and community centers, and how you can get involved!
RoboFest Hawaii is free and open to the public, and is a production of AstroDay Institute, with support from Hawaii Electric Light Company and the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy. For more information, please visit http://astroday.net/RoboFest07.html, call or email him at fujmon@mac.com.
RoboFest Hawaii is free and open to the public, and is a production of AstroDay Institute, with support from Hawaii Electric Light Company and the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy. For more information, please visit http://astroday.net/RoboFest07.html, call or email him at fujmon@mac.com.