I'd not heard of the SpaceNavigator before, but it looks like a nifty little (and I do mean little) device. Looking like a control knob in search of a mounting panel, it offers 6 degrees of freedom, far more than the NXT currently offers. While it is marketed as a tool for #D animation and CAD, it clearly could have a second life as very compact gaming controller, or in this case as a remote control for an NXT. Over on the ToxicSoftware blog Jon has written a little OSX code to allow his laptop with the SpaceNavigator attached to control his teams FLL robot - take a look at his blog post here, and he announced it over in the NXTasy forums. Not bad at all, and it seems very promising (now, could I have a version of it that is BT wireless from the git-go, and I could dispense with the laptop?). Has anybody else played with this little device? It should be very interesting seeing where Jon can end up taking this - he mentions making the code open-source. Take a look at a video of him controling his robot here (ignore the fact that the poor guy drives over his own keyboard).
Brian Davis