There's a lot of NXT-related books out there already and more are to be expected.
Some of them are targeted particularly at NXT beginners (like The Mayan Adventure, the Zoo! book or the NXT Orange Book), some to more advanced users (as The Da Vinci Inventions Book or Extreme NXT), some are collections of NXT robots of different complexity and how to build and program them (The Idea Book, Creating Cool MINDSTORMS Robots and the Inventor's Guide, for instance), and finally some are dedicated to a particular aspect of the NXT universe (e.g. the NXT-G Programming Guide, NXT Power Programming or Maximum Lego NXT) - feel free to correct me if I'm wrong with these classifications.
Yet, if you could wish for a NXT book written particularly for you - how would that very book look like? What topics should it deal with? Which kind of robots (if any) would you like to see in there? How should it be organized?