Point Worth: 30 points (15 for each scoring wind turbine)
Mission Location: n/a
Estimated Difficulty Rating: 1/10
Time Length Rating: Low
Unique Challenge Aspects: Position of wind turbines can affect the score of another mission (Grid Connection)
This is the last mission post... how many of you teams out there have tournaments coming up? My team will be competing at the NJ Tournament on the 8th, so if anyone else is also going to be there, be sure to stop by and say hello!
This mission is quite easy... just push the wind turbines out of the area directly outside of base. Unfortunately FLL was vague in their definition of "directly outside of base", but in a Q&A they put up a pdf to clarify. It shows the scoring areas on the mat, and you can see it here. Areas 11, 5, and 8 are considered directly outside of base, so you'd need to push the turbines outside of those areas. For example, if you wanted to push the wind turbines directly North of base, you'd need to push them above the second road outside of base, into area 4.
Another thing to remember is that the location of the wind turbines can affect the score of the Grid Connection mission. You get extra points for each community that is touched by both the power lines and a wind turbine. Note that having two turbines in a single community that is touching the power lines won't give you twice as much points as having one turbine in that community.
Richard's Comments: Note that the Wind Turbines must be upright in order to score. And I can tell you, they are fairly top heavy and easy to knock over. Be careful.
Also, if anyone is coming to the Greenwood Scrimmage in SC, Clemson Regional, or South Carolina State Tournament, be sure to stop by team 784, Blue Knight's pit area and say hello!