leJOS OSEK, a C/C++ based Open Source programming and runtime platform for the NXT, has released version 2 now.
From the project's web site:
"LEJOS OSEK is an open source firmware for LEGO® MINDSTORMS NXT. LEJOS OSEK consists of I/O driver part of leJOS NXJ platform C/Assembly source code, TOPPERS OSEK Real-Time Operating System source code[...] and glue code to make them work together. LEJOS OSEK can provide:
- ANSI C/C++ programming environment[...]
- leJOS NXJ I/O driver based C API for NXT Sensors, Motor, and other devices
- leJOS NXJ I/O driver based C++ API for NXT Sensors and Motor (includes many third party sensors)
- (TOPPERS) OSEK provided real-time multi tasking features proven in automotive industry
- fast execution and less memory consumption[...]
- NXT BIOS enables LEJOS OSEK application uploaded into Flash (max. 224Kbytes) or SRAM (max. 64Kbytes)
- Many examples (include NXTway-GS and NXT GT...)"