18 DAYS... and counting...
In an earlier post, I mentioned that a list of questions was going to be assembled and submitted to the MDP in preparation for the May 1st lifting of the 'communication embargo' (my term, not LEGO's)... well, a FAQ list has surfaced on the MDP forum and I am once again offering to post any questions you may have to that list...
I cannot promise that all questions will be answered... there may be some questions that do not have an answer just yet. For those of you who have posted questions via the comment tool, I have submitted those questions already. But feel free to post some new ones.
I'll let you know when and where the FAQ will be available as soon as that has been determined.
Please submit your questions via comments to this post. No emailed questions, please.
In an earlier post, I mentioned that a list of questions was going to be assembled and submitted to the MDP in preparation for the May 1st lifting of the 'communication embargo' (my term, not LEGO's)... well, a FAQ list has surfaced on the MDP forum and I am once again offering to post any questions you may have to that list...
I cannot promise that all questions will be answered... there may be some questions that do not have an answer just yet. For those of you who have posted questions via the comment tool, I have submitted those questions already. But feel free to post some new ones.
I'll let you know when and where the FAQ will be available as soon as that has been determined.
Please submit your questions via comments to this post. No emailed questions, please.