In the Common palette description (see earlier post) there was one item that wasn't shown. The WAIT toolbar item (hourglass, 5th down from top) has a flyout menu shown here:

Wait until the Touch Sensor is triggered.
Wait until the Light Sensor is triggered.
Wait until the Sound Sensor is triggered.
Wait until the Ultrasonic Sensor is triggered.

Wait for Time. (you specify time in seconds)
Wait for NXT Button to be pressed.
Wait for Receive Message (BT).
Wait for Timer (can use 1 of 3 internal timers)

Wait until the Touch Sensor is triggered.
Wait until the Light Sensor is triggered.
Wait until the Sound Sensor is triggered.
Wait until the Ultrasonic Sensor is triggered.

Wait for Time. (you specify time in seconds)
Wait for NXT Button to be pressed.
Wait for Receive Message (BT).
Wait for Timer (can use 1 of 3 internal timers)