To start a project, you click on the + beside a category. For this walkthrough, I'm going to open the Animals category.

The Spike project opens... and I see that there are 4 sub-projects: Crawling Base, Tail, Sound Sensor, and Reactions. I will click on "Crawling Base" and show you how each sub-project is broken down into further steps.

Here, you'll see the first step is to complete the "Building Guide". Each sub-project is broken down into 4 steps:
Building Guide, Programming Guide, Test Guide, and Next Step.
If you click on the title "Building Guide, it will minimize, showing you all the steps (see next image)

For each of the 4 steps, you will be given visual instructions. In the case of the Building Guide, you will see images showing you how to build Spike using the NXT components. In the Programming Guide, you are given visual steps for programming using the software...

... you'll get a full-screen view of the assembly instructions. Click the "Zoom -" button to return to the smaller view.

And, finally, a view of the Test Guide. Here you're given the tasks to perform with the particular sub-project you are working on. In this example, for each of the 4 steps you were to test a particular function. The final step (4 of 4) gives you a checklist to verify before you click on "Next Step" - (which simply takes you to the next sub-project - in this case, the "Tail" project) - and suggestions for fixing any problems you might encounter.