I really have to fight myself to keep this posting short. There is simply too much information I would like to present. It was an incredible conference. So, the comments area can provide a great deal of the exciting information we managed to witness and gather. I will tell you now that this was an amazing gathering of technology and the people that bring it to the world!
For a tidbit of info to wet your tongue…see the videos posted HERE. Especially, the NIWeek 2006 Highlights video and the 5th video down the Tuesday listing - "Lego Mindstorms Powered by NI LabVIEW."
Oh! I can see my arm(s) again in the Highlights video! My Team’s Mission Possible bot is the one falling over on the Challenge course. Just after a shot of Steve Hassenplug and Brian Davis' bot 3/4 of the way through the video. I might add that the real "LEGO MINDSTORMS experts" in the NIWeek'06 Mission Possible Challenge are the attending high school students in the FIRST LEGO League program... "Taking first place with a time of 15 seconds, the team from LBJ High School's LBJ LASA Robotics team outraced their competitors to win two LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT kits."
More information to come! Be sure to check the comments of this thread for a while.
Christopher Smith
For a tidbit of info to wet your tongue…see the videos posted HERE. Especially, the NIWeek 2006 Highlights video and the 5th video down the Tuesday listing - "Lego Mindstorms Powered by NI LabVIEW."
Oh! I can see my arm(s) again in the Highlights video! My Team’s Mission Possible bot is the one falling over on the Challenge course. Just after a shot of Steve Hassenplug and Brian Davis' bot 3/4 of the way through the video. I might add that the real "LEGO MINDSTORMS experts" in the NIWeek'06 Mission Possible Challenge are the attending high school students in the FIRST LEGO League program... "Taking first place with a time of 15 seconds, the team from LBJ High School's LBJ LASA Robotics team outraced their competitors to win two LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT kits."
More information to come! Be sure to check the comments of this thread for a while.
Christopher Smith