Received this today...
"To The NXT Step Team:
Thank you for posting about the Robotics Investigation Force. We thoroughly enjoyed the comments your readers posted, too. As a reward to you and your readers for your kind attention and keen observation skills, we have added some new information. We are not going to simply give it away, mind you. We do hope you understand our asking your readers to please refrain from posting the answer until after August twenty.
That's all I received... I replied to the email but got a bounceback... oh, well. I don't like puzzles usually, especially hidden messages and stuff. But I'll ask all of you to honor the request not to share whatever answer he's talking about (or she? Is Poe a typical male or female name?). But please do let me know if you find what h/she is talking about... thanks!
"To The NXT Step Team:
Thank you for posting about the Robotics Investigation Force. We thoroughly enjoyed the comments your readers posted, too. As a reward to you and your readers for your kind attention and keen observation skills, we have added some new information. We are not going to simply give it away, mind you. We do hope you understand our asking your readers to please refrain from posting the answer until after August twenty.
That's all I received... I replied to the email but got a bounceback... oh, well. I don't like puzzles usually, especially hidden messages and stuff. But I'll ask all of you to honor the request not to share whatever answer he's talking about (or she? Is Poe a typical male or female name?). But please do let me know if you find what h/she is talking about... thanks!