The Sept 4 issue of Forbes magazine has an interview with Soren Lund on the NXT. In the same issue, writer Stephen Manes talks about his experiences with the NXT... overall, I'd say his review is a positive one, but he does have a few complaints, namely with the programming language... he makes a hopeful statement that "somebody will come up with a book that straighforwardly steps you through the ins and outs of programming."
Well, I hope I can maybe deliver on a small portion of that. I'm just now putting the finishing touches on the final chapter of my book. 21 chapters, 5 appendices (possibly more), and 5 new bots (and 1 bonus bot in an appendix) complete with building instructions and programming... the book is geared towards the younger reader, but I hope all ages might get something out of it.
In no way do I go into extreme programming theory, but I do touch on various methods that answer the "why or why not" questions for when to use certain blocks over others... including some good coverage of the LOOP and SWITCH blocks.
Unfortunately, the book is a good 3-4 months away from hitting the bookshelves. I'll try and post an update as soon as possible once I know a little more details, but for now I've just been busy getting this thing done and ready... but it's close and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Well, I hope I can maybe deliver on a small portion of that. I'm just now putting the finishing touches on the final chapter of my book. 21 chapters, 5 appendices (possibly more), and 5 new bots (and 1 bonus bot in an appendix) complete with building instructions and programming... the book is geared towards the younger reader, but I hope all ages might get something out of it.
In no way do I go into extreme programming theory, but I do touch on various methods that answer the "why or why not" questions for when to use certain blocks over others... including some good coverage of the LOOP and SWITCH blocks.
Unfortunately, the book is a good 3-4 months away from hitting the bookshelves. I'll try and post an update as soon as possible once I know a little more details, but for now I've just been busy getting this thing done and ready... but it's close and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.