To whom it may concern: I've created building instructions for my most complex robot so far, the Dicke Bertha Typ II (already mentioned in a previous post).
Just to give anyone who is on the wing to starting "Ldrawing" a hint about the efforts one has to face with it: though MLCAD is a fantastic tool, whilst creating the LDRAW file for Dicke Bertha Typ II, I listened to
- the international football (am.: soccer) match San Marino - Germany (0-13 ! highest out win ever ;-) )
- a Bollywood movie where some Indian hero (almost) single-handedly stormed a Kashmir hill occupied by disguised Pakistani soldiers (and the heart of an Indian beauty)
- the radio live transmission of the first round of the German football (am.: soccer) cup.
Hence be prepared for creating LDraw files not being the most thrilling experience of your life...
Matthias Paul (storming the LDraw hill - where are the beauties?)