I’ve had a lot of fun with Spike throughout the year and thought it would be neat to give Spike the ability to not only respond to loud noises, but also move (and if necessary, turn) towards the loudest noise.
I’m pretty fond of using pairs of sensors to give robots more sophisticated behaviour. For example, a soccer robot with two light sensors can keep track of where a ball is (and to which side it has been lost) much more effectively than a soccer robot with one light sensor.
The Roman philosopher Epictetus is usually credited for the saying, 'we have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.' Maybe in the case of a Spike with two sound sensors this should be, 'we have two sound sensors and one stinger so that we can listen twice as much as we strike!'

Admittedly, the program is far more complicated than it needs to be, and doesn’t quite work 100% of the time. (By comparison, with a just a little help, my 5-year old son made a pretty decent program for Binaural Spike using NXT-G in about 10 minutes that works fine.)

PS: If you’re expecting to program Spike using the USB cable, I’ve found that it’s a lot easier to get to the USB port if you reverse the direction of the NXT compared to the direction indicated in LEGO’s building plans.