Hi all, although I'm an co-editor on this blog since May 2006, it took some time to actually make my first post.
Many of you might have seen me on the LEGO Mindstoms website with my photoscan robot COCO5
Since November 2006 I was asked to join the MUP2 and had to make sure that although I had inside information on the NXT, traces of that knowledge were not directly shown on this blog, so my first contributions were made by Jim (Thank you Jim!).
Now I think it is time to show more intresting things, like this little nice Pin.
I got several pins from LEGO to show the visitors at the LEGO WORLD 2006 event in Zwolle, the Netherlands, that we have knowledge on the NXT.
Still having several pins left I think that it is a good plan to start a contest for NXT owners to build a robot and share them with us on this blog.
You can add a comment to this blog with a link to a picture of your Robot.
The top 20 models / robots will be rewarted with a Pin shipped before Xmass.