Hi - I am a new contributor to the blog, so here is a quick blurb about me:
Like many of you, I've been brought up on Lego, and own the RCX and NXT robots.
My work has involved robotics related programing, networking and electronics, but I spend most of my time writing code to remotely operate and run telemetry for Microchip's PIC microcontrollers as well as the Lego NXT.
Some of you may be familiar with the roboDNA Lego NXT PC Dashboard I'm currently working on, and made available for download a couple of months ago. If anyone needs help setting up a dashboard for their bots, just send me an email!
One of my current projects is with the Lego NXT RoboDome here in Ottawa Canada. RoboDome is a fun-filled Lego NXT themed classroom that offers elementary students a chance to design, program and have competitions using a dozen NXT robots. The theme includes everything from Lego specific colors, part bins and cabinets, and even desks designed for Lego building. The RoboDome project was initiated by Jim Dale and Janis Kam at the Ottawa Carleton Catholic School Board back in 1999 for the Lego RCX, and they have recently finished upgrading everything to NXT. They have asked me to help setup 2 RoboDome classrooms with the roboDNA Dashboard software, and I will soon post more details for educators who may be interested.
I have recently been testing a few different Lego NXT parts, including Mindsensor's compass, accelerometer and pressure sensor. I'll be posting my findings soon, and will also add a sample dashboard for these so others can try.
Like many of you, I've been brought up on Lego, and own the RCX and NXT robots.
My work has involved robotics related programing, networking and electronics, but I spend most of my time writing code to remotely operate and run telemetry for Microchip's PIC microcontrollers as well as the Lego NXT.
Some of you may be familiar with the roboDNA Lego NXT PC Dashboard I'm currently working on, and made available for download a couple of months ago. If anyone needs help setting up a dashboard for their bots, just send me an email!
One of my current projects is with the Lego NXT RoboDome here in Ottawa Canada. RoboDome is a fun-filled Lego NXT themed classroom that offers elementary students a chance to design, program and have competitions using a dozen NXT robots. The theme includes everything from Lego specific colors, part bins and cabinets, and even desks designed for Lego building. The RoboDome project was initiated by Jim Dale and Janis Kam at the Ottawa Carleton Catholic School Board back in 1999 for the Lego RCX, and they have recently finished upgrading everything to NXT. They have asked me to help setup 2 RoboDome classrooms with the roboDNA Dashboard software, and I will soon post more details for educators who may be interested.
I have recently been testing a few different Lego NXT parts, including Mindsensor's compass, accelerometer and pressure sensor. I'll be posting my findings soon, and will also add a sample dashboard for these so others can try.