Take a trip over to HiTechnic's website and click on the "Development Lab" link. You're going to see some great new stuff coming from them.
From their site (excerpts):
iRLink - contains an Infrared (IR) Transmitter and Receiver, connects to an NXT sensor port and communicates with the RCX through its IR port - supports full bidirectional data transfer - message transfers initiated by the NXT or the RCX.
iRSeeker - an infrared detector that can tell your program if an infrared light source is within view, the direction of the source and the relative strength of the signal - ideal for detecting IR devices such as the Robocup Jr soccer ball - returns a numeric value to the NXT program indicating the direction of the target, as well as a value indicating the strength of the signal which will give an indication of the distance to the target.
HiTechnic Motor Multiplexer or mMux - provides a way to extend the number of motors that can be attached to the NXT - connects to an NXT sensor port and has four motor connections for four standard NXT motors - each motor may be controlled independently from the NXT and all standard motor operations are supported, including direction, power, duration and rotation. In order to support the extra motors, the mMUX is powered from a standard LEGO Battery box.
HiTechnic Sensor Multiplexer (sMUX) - connects to an NXT sensor ports - has four standard sensor ports expanding the NXT to be able to support four sensors from one NXT port - supports any combination of sensors of any type - includes the Ultrasonic, Compass, Color and other I2C sensors as well as the touch, sound and other analog sensors. Legacy sensors may also be connected using the legacy sensor wire.
From their site (excerpts):
iRLink - contains an Infrared (IR) Transmitter and Receiver, connects to an NXT sensor port and communicates with the RCX through its IR port - supports full bidirectional data transfer - message transfers initiated by the NXT or the RCX.
iRSeeker - an infrared detector that can tell your program if an infrared light source is within view, the direction of the source and the relative strength of the signal - ideal for detecting IR devices such as the Robocup Jr soccer ball - returns a numeric value to the NXT program indicating the direction of the target, as well as a value indicating the strength of the signal which will give an indication of the distance to the target.