I've received quite a few emails regarding the workbooks and modules found in our storefront (and some not yet there). I'm sorry I can't respond to all of you individually right at this moment, but hopefully these documents will give an idea of some of the things in development and those currently available.
Yes, I've been busy... and I'm keeping busy. A big THANK YOU to those of you who have emailed with comments and suggestions and encouragement. Trust me when I say that I'm not resting (but looking forward to next year's vacation already).
Please post questions/comments here as I'm a bit behind in my emails (but will TRY to catch up and respond to those I have received - please be patient with me).
Jim Kelly
PDF containing workbook and module summaries (zip file 516KB)
PDF containing Journal sample pages (zip file 127KB)
Yes, I've been busy... and I'm keeping busy. A big THANK YOU to those of you who have emailed with comments and suggestions and encouragement. Trust me when I say that I'm not resting (but looking forward to next year's vacation already).
Please post questions/comments here as I'm a bit behind in my emails (but will TRY to catch up and respond to those I have received - please be patient with me).
Jim Kelly
PDF containing workbook and module summaries (zip file 516KB)
PDF containing Journal sample pages (zip file 127KB)