At the FLL region final Rijnmond in Rotterdam (the Netherlands), I was asked to demonstrate the NXT and help out as a Mindstorms Doctor. (EHBMO) (the Dutch first aid) with an extra M for Mindstorms. During the competition I noticed a few things that I think are good for all to know:
1) Use an USB cable since Bluetooth does not always work. (two teams were glad I brought some spares)
2) Use the same configuration as you practice with at school. (one team had a different laptop)
3) Bring a spare IR tower and all the software. (firmware can cause headache)
4) Prepare if possible a second RCX, incase you lose the Firmware, just before the run.
5) Make sure your model is stable and does not fall apart just before the game.
6) Ask other teams, judges and referees for help, with technical problems, like lost firmware.
At our demonstration table we (Lotte and I) showed a large Wind turbine like the small vestas models in the Power Puzzle. the Kids loved the remote controlled models, like the Cranebot, the Bulldozer and a special 3G sensor from Mindsensors to control Marty (also form our book).
The overall winners were: team 29 GLRBOTS, form Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam(dutch).
More Pictures are here