A few people had issues with the sample pages opening in Adobe. These have now been fixed.
Sample Pages - www.domabotics.com/resources.php
I also received some questions about the Table of Contents, as they are a little cryptic as to what they contain. Here is a brief run down of each chapter.
What is a Robot?
- Assignment on what constitutes a robot, the history of robots and their place in society
- As the name implies, a section on flowcharting and why it is important when developing programs
Domabot Basics
- Learning about the 'Move' block through a series of classroom activities
How Fast?
- Testing and recording data about the performance of the robot. Graphing the relationship between speed and power
How many sides?
- Using the Loop block to draw polygons
Help! I'm Stuck
- Using the Touch sensor to get out of trouble
Help! I'm (still) Stuck
- Using the Ultrasonic sensor to get out of trouble
Stay Away from the edge
- Using the light sensor to detect the edge of the table
Did you hear that?
- Using the Sound sensor to react to noises
Mini golf / Dancing Robots / Mexican Wave / Robot Butler
- Projects that the students can design and build
As seen on TV
- Multimedia presentation assignment to 'sell' the robot the the general public
Student Worksheets
- All chapters have an associated student worksheet that presents the scenario and leads them through the activities required.
Build Notes
- Building instructions for the main robot as well as the the Touch / Sound / Light / Ultrasonic sensors and marker pen attachment.
Don't hesitate to ask questions in the comments
Damien Kee
A few people had issues with the sample pages opening in Adobe. These have now been fixed.
Sample Pages - www.domabotics.com/resources.php
I also received some questions about the Table of Contents, as they are a little cryptic as to what they contain. Here is a brief run down of each chapter.
What is a Robot?
- Assignment on what constitutes a robot, the history of robots and their place in society
- As the name implies, a section on flowcharting and why it is important when developing programs
Domabot Basics
- Learning about the 'Move' block through a series of classroom activities
How Fast?
- Testing and recording data about the performance of the robot. Graphing the relationship between speed and power
How many sides?
- Using the Loop block to draw polygons
Help! I'm Stuck
- Using the Touch sensor to get out of trouble
Help! I'm (still) Stuck
- Using the Ultrasonic sensor to get out of trouble
Stay Away from the edge
- Using the light sensor to detect the edge of the table
Did you hear that?
- Using the Sound sensor to react to noises
Mini golf / Dancing Robots / Mexican Wave / Robot Butler
- Projects that the students can design and build
As seen on TV
- Multimedia presentation assignment to 'sell' the robot the the general public
Student Worksheets
- All chapters have an associated student worksheet that presents the scenario and leads them through the activities required.
Build Notes
- Building instructions for the main robot as well as the the Touch / Sound / Light / Ultrasonic sensors and marker pen attachment.
Don't hesitate to ask questions in the comments
Damien Kee