A Date to prebook: also this year the Fana' Briques will take place in Rosheim (Alsace, France) , this time on the 28th and 29th of June.
To satisfy the increased crowd of visitors, this year the new location has changed to a place that offers an exhibition space of 1400 m2 (double the size of last year's event).
Again, also the third run of Fana'Briques Veranstaltung will be focused on the topic LEGO® in Locomotion: there will be an attempt for a speed world record with a LEGO® bullet train (TGV/ICE), a large DCC controlled roadway system, Mini- and Maxifigs at the Olympic Games and a building challenge for children as well as a particularly large Great Ball Contraption (targetting the size of 100 modules).
Rosheim in the Alsace is always worth a sojourn - have a look at the Fana'Briques page and make a note for the weekend mentioned in your calendar.