A few updates about Mars Base Command:
1. Instructions have been added to the zipped file containing the Mission Data Forms. The text file contains information on submitting photos and video links for inclusion in the Roster. The download location specified in the Module Booklet hasn't changed.
2. I've already received some emails from a few individuals about their attempts to solve the missions - thank you for sharing the details! Be sure to send me pictures, video links, and info when you're done so I can add it to the Roster area.
3. For right now, Mars Base Alpha: Plan B will remain in book format. I haven't found a suitable method (or price) for CDs or PDF digital delivery that I like - thanks to those who have emailed and let me know their books and the BIs look good. BIs in grayscale are always tricky, but I tried to enlarge as many images as I could to give you more detail.
4. I was asked if all modules will come with a color PDF mat that can be printed... simple answer is yes, but some of the mats may vary in size, depending on the missions. Remember, the PDF mat is NOT required to run the missions - I provide measurements for the size of the challenge area as well as placement of the mission models - the mat just makes it a little more exact for model placement as well as just being eye-catching.
5. Some of you emailed asking about Mars Base Gamma and the recent update to the homepage (www.marsbasecommand.com) - I can't provide any details yet but keep your eyes open for sneak peeks and hidden secrets. Tentative release date for the PDF Mission Summary document is late July with an August release of the Module Booklet.