I've received emails from many of you asking if Jonathan and I will sign your book. Well, distance and money are the biggest obstacle - I'm in Atlanta and Jonathan isn't... about the only way I know to do this is to bring your book to WorldFest next year and hopefully both of us will be there.
So, we've come up with another option. Click here and download the zip file that contains a TXT document. It's got an address where you can send a Self-Addressed-Stamped-Envelope (SASE) and I'll send you back a signed bookplate (a sticker - 2 inches x 4 inches") with both our signatures. Quantities are limited and anything request sent without a SASE will not be returned. DO NOT send books as they will not be returned.
You MUST include a SASE - just put your return address on an envelope, put enough postage on it to get it back to you (in the USA, just a single first-class postage stamp will do), and fold it up and put it inside an envelope that you'll send to the address provided. Allow for up to a few weeks to get your bookplate - thanks!. (The bookplate looks like the image shown here.)