During the last eight months, NXT fans from all over the world have have been following the progress of the two AlphaRex's, as they travel around the world as part of the 10 year celebration of LEGO MINDSTORMS.
As this year draws to a close, I like to share the following behind the scene video of AlphaRex in New Zealand - which gives you an indication of the work many friends of LEGO, MINDSTORMS Community Partners and LEGO staff put in to make the AlphaRex Global RoadTrip into a success so far.
This is my last post for the year. So I like to wish all The NXT Step readers a happy and safe Xmas and new year. I hope the Santa brings you lots of plastics and NXT's for Xmas.
Happy Holidays
AlphaRex, BlueToothKiwi and Family