With this post I'd like to announce that The LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 Discovery Book - A Beginner's Guide to Building and Programming Robots - is almost ready to be published.
Some aspects of this book changed since I first announced this book, so be sure check the above link for an up to date book description. The book is built around several keypoints:
- A complete introduction to LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0
- Building and programming instructions for eight innovative robots
- 50 sample programs and 72 programming challenges (ranging from easy to hard) encourage you to explore newly learned programming techniques
- 15 building challenges expand on the robot designs and help you develop ideas for new robots
- Explorer, a vehicle that roves around and makes sounds
- Discovery, a robot that uses sensors to navigate around a room and to follow lines
- Shot-Roller, a robotic defense system that can shoot in any direction to keep intruders out of a room
- Strider, a six-legged walking creature (the robot on the cover)
- SmartBot, a robot you’ll use to explore advanced programming techniques
- The Snatcher, a robotic arm that grabs, lifts, and moves objects autonomously
- The Hybrid Brick Sorter, a robot that sorts bricks by color and size
CCC, a compact robot that can climb up a chimney
If you have any questions, feel free to comment here, or send a message to me personally.