SuperBots to the Rescue: A Rebrick Challenge

It's back....a MINDSTORMS Rebrick challenge with SUPER prizes!
"It’s time to do some superpower thinking and show us a Super Robot, a.k.a. SuperBot! Make it super cool, super geeky, super smart, or super fun, and show us what makes your robot a SuperBot – and what dilemma, challenge, or chore it rescues you from! The greatest SuperBot will send his or her creator on a super-duper trip to LEGO World Copenhagen."
Grand Prize: A trip to LEGO World Copenhagen in February 2018 where you will present your winning robot. If you want to see what it's like to got to LEGOWORLD in Copenhagen, take a look at this brief compilation video of the robots at the event.
Entry Deadline: Submit your entry by August 18, 2017 at 10:00AM EST.
Note: Before you start, please read the rules for submission carefully.
What makes a robot super? You do! Any robot can have super powers. No super power is too simple. Perhaps your robot can clear the table, explore new planets or climb up stairs. Perhaps your robot has the force (use the ultrasonic sensor), super strength (use gears/motor), or is super smart (can play a game). Use your imagination!
Last year's first place winners, Dave and Joe built a table setting robot. They won a trip to Copenhagen, Denmark for LEGOWORLD 2017. Watch the video below to learn about their design process and get some tips for your entry this year.
From the Rebrick contest page: "This robot is fully capable setting spots for up to 6 people by driving around a table and dropping pre-loaded forks, plates, and cups from complicated elevator stacks and a rotating drum. Using 2 EV3s, 5 motors, an IR sensor, and a ultrasonic sensor, this robot is large and complex."
Like Dave and Joe's work, remember, it doesn't have to work perfectly the first time. Come up with an idea, build a prototype and then...make it better. Most of all, have fun with your project!